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Analysts: Skype spin-off will strongly change the communications market
Release date:2012-12-27

The spin-off eBay for Skype finally developed a tentative schedule, so the question becomes: Can this IP telephone company to obtain legal status to become a voice service provider do
       Some analysts believe that, Skype after becoming a subsidiary of eBay has been much development constraints, because its business model with eBay's online auction business can be well integrated. eBay's CEO John Donahoe recently acknowledged, Skype is "a very good business alone," and eBay together. "Qucai."
       Yet despite these unfavorable factors, Skype in the past few years is still quite successful, from the company after the acquisition by eBay in 2005 to the present, its global number of registered users has grown nearly eight-fold. In addition, the next two years, revenue is also expected to double by 2011 to reach 10 billion U.S. dollars.
Gartner analyst Elroy Jopling believe that once can be formally spin off Skype next year, then you can concentrate attention to their voice services, will expand its services to the mobile realm. Skype has begun to show up this year, in fact, to this objective signs of development for the iPhone and Blackberry released a variety of applications, designed for smart phone users in addition to traditional voice communication beyond cellular communication means. Jopling think that any further forward, Skype continues to penetrate the mobile market will become its future success, "the most important factor."
      Nemertes Research analyst Irwin Lazar also believes that, Skype's success in the mobile voice market will determine its future development, and into the smart phone market is the first step in the company name for oneself. More importantly, if Skype can attract more consumer devices widely popular favor, then it eventually will give mobile operators put pressure on them to change business strategy.


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